How to uninstall Norton on windows 10?

If you are stuck with errors and want to uninstall Norton from your computer, you just need to follow the mainstream procedure to get rid of the incorrectly installed version of Norton antivirus. Yet, there are cases when you fail to uninstall Norton completely, especially Windows 10 users. Because the Windows version is the newest in its cluster, people are generally troubled to follow customary instructions on how to uninstall Norton.

Knowing that the operating system has a different interface, it can be guessed that the process of uninstalling programs could be different. If you to know the how to uninstall Norton antivirus on Windows 10, execute the given instructions.

Please note that you do not remove individual files from the source folder, it may cause errors when you uninstall Norton.

How to uninstall Norton on windows 10?

1. Click on the Windows icon to open the Start menu

2. Open Settings

3. Select ‘System’ option from the Settings menu

4. From the left pane of the directory, open ‘Apps & features’

· A list of installed programs will appears in the right pane

5. Now click on Norton antivirus to uninstall Norton

6. Click the Uninstall button and Norton antivirus will be uninstalled.

· If the option is grayed out, you are facing a problem to uninstall Norton

7. Click Uninstall pop-up button to complete the process

Now you know how to uninstall Norton successfully. You can now go ahead to install the most current version of Norton antivirus and continue with the protection of your device and data.

However, it is possible to face trouble during the process of uninstalling Norton antivirus to installing its latest version. Here is a list of error messages that you may see.

Error to uninstall Norton

o Norton removal tool not working

o Breakdown during updating subscription

o Fail to uninstall Norton on windows 10

o Unable to check subscription details

o Norton error message – Cannot access my account

o Unable to active the software

o Error while scanning PC

o Cannot uninstall Norton from phone

Many other messages can occur with Norton antivirus and the initial method to fix it is, by uninstalling and then reinstalling the software. Although it is not certain if the method will work perfectly for you, many users successfully fix the issues. No matter what, you should always connect to the experts in order to avoid fatal errors.

Facing trouble to Norton uninstall

Even after doing every possible changes and reinstalling the software, you are failing to scan or perform some specific task with the security software, it is recommended to connect with an expert who can guide you correctly on how to uninstall Norton on Windows 10 or different operating system. Regardless of your product version, the professional will guide the most accurate way to fix your issue with Norton antivirus.

However, before you connect with a professional, make sure you have a licensed version of Norton product because the trial version might let you encounter errors if the validity is expired.


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